Allow Removing Indentation for Enumerated/Bulleted Lists in Notes

Kiyah Member Posts: 2,841 ✭✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
When I type an enumerated or bulleted list, I don't always want it indented. Logos automatically indents lists, however, when I hit the decrease indent button nothing happens and I'm unable to remove the indentation.

I don't mind the automatic indentation (sometimes I do want it), but allow me to remove the indentation if I don't want it using the decrease indent button. (MS Word works this way, it automatically indents lists but then you can remove indentation with the decrease indent button.)

Right now I can increase the indentation for a list and then decrease that increase, but I can't remove the indentation altogether. So my workaround is to type a number with no period, hit space, then type the line, and then go back and add the period after the fact. That's the only way to stop indentation if I don't want it.
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