Isaac Asimov's Guide to the Bible (2 vols)

Br Damien-Joseph OSB
Br Damien-Joseph OSB Member Posts: 227 ✭✭✭
Sure it may be something of a novelty, but I'm sure it's bound to catch somebody's interest. This is a proper biblical commentary from an atheist perspective, which evidently Asimov felt he ought to provide the world (he also did similar guides to science, Shakespeare, etc., and from that vantage what he is doing here is literary and scientific criticism of the Bible). Maybe this could be useful to apologists or just a fun read for someone.

Wings somehow publishes the reprint edition of 1981 into a single volume (it's over 1,000 pages in a single volume...):
ISBN-13: 978-0517345825

I do not think they hold the rights. I think Doubleday has the original, which was published in the 1960s. It's usually bound in two volumes, separated into Old and New Testaments. Anyway, it's weird.
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