Rethinking the Bible: Inerrancy, Preaching, Inspiration, Authority, Formation, Archaeology, Postmode

Rosie Perera
Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭
Richard P. Thompson & Thomas Jay Oord, editors
SacraSage Press, 2018

Rethinking the Bible explains Scripture in ways that make sense and deepen Christian faith. Essays in the book ask and answer questions such as...What is the primary function of the Bible? Can the Bible be trusted if it has errors? What does “divine inspiration” mean if humans wrote the Bible? How should preachers use the Bible today? Does the Bible mean now what it meant when written? How has archaeology changed the way we interpret the Bible? Should the Dead Sea Scrolls affect our view of the Bible? What authority does the Bible have matters of science? Is the Bible a container of truth statements or tool for formation? How should we handle contradictions we find in the Bible? Should postmodernism influence how we read the Bible? The standard answers to questions like these no longer make sense. Many people today seek a more adequate way to understand what the Bible is and does. Those who ask deep questions about Scripture want plausible answers. This book offers answers to questions about the Bible that make sense in our time.
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