Apodictic Treatises on the Procession of the Holy Spirit

Adithia Kusno
Adithia Kusno Member Posts: 2 ✭✭
St. Gregory of Palamas, Apodictic Treatises on the Procession of the Holy Spirit

This is the first English translation. Prior translation by Fr. John Meyendorff was outdated and not from critical texts. As a Byzantine rite Catholic, this book is crucial in discussing St. Palamas anathema on why a Latinization of the addition of filioque to the Creed is an unforgivable sin to the Holy Spirit. St John Paul II had publicly expressed his desire to restore the original Creed without filioque. Because Palamas is highly venerated by Eastern Catholics, this book is very crucial in ecumenical dialogue between Catholics and Orthodox. And by implication to broad Christianity as well.

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