What Happens When We Worship by Jonathan Landry Cruse

Maxim Farocanag
Maxim Farocanag Member Posts: 393 ✭✭✭✭
Many churchgoers assume that worship is inherently boring, something we need to make exciting. But as Jonathan Landry Cruse shows, churchgoing only seems monotonous and mundane because our eyes are blinded to the supernatural wonder that is taking place all around us. In this book, Cruse helps us perceive the significance of worship and guides us through the spiritual actions of a worship service. Once you recognize how God is doing something to us and for us and through us in each element of the service, Lord's Day worship will become the highlight of your week!
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  • The Holy Spirit does all that when we honestly believe that Gods' gifts in the NT are all available to the modern church. One doesn't have to be a charismatic nut to embrace the truth of the book of Acts, Corinthians, etc. God is not God of the past, but a God of the everlasting moment.