More Sermon Manager Meta Data

dennisj Member Posts: 2
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
A lot of preachers have a "Big Idea" or theme statement or proposition, and it would be good to have a meta data field for that. Currently I am using Description for that, but there are times I'd like to use Description for more. Also, a Notes field would be good - ideas for Scripture reading to go along with it, or songs or an invitation hymn to discuss with the music minister.
2 votes

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  • Mal Walker
    Mal Walker Member Posts: 403 ✭✭✭
    Same thing, been adding my big idea/proposition into the description field. I like the idea of a field for songs, often I'll request a specific song related to the passage or theme of the sermon. Lastly, another field to enter additional bible passage references would be good - I often have a main passage but will refer to other passages throughout the talk. The current passage reference system treats all passages listed with the same importance, which isn't helpful when I want to search or refer back to sermons, only to find I didn't actually preach on that passage but just referenced it briefly.

    Current MDiv student at Trinity Theological College - Perth, Western Australia