Filter Resources by Price or Discount

Josiah Young
Josiah Young Member Posts: 150 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
If I have some money to spend on Logos (e.g., income tax return), I would like to search the resources that are available. My goal is to find all resources that are on sale for $XXX or less and are discounted by at least 40%. I see sort options for price and discount, but there are no filter options. If price and discount filters were available, then I would have more confidence that I am getting a good deal. As a result, I would be more likely to purchase something now.

I decided not to buy anything today because I could not swim through tens of thousands of results without applying these filters to narrow the range. The "Deals" pages do not show all available resources on sale, just the featured picks. I would like to see what else is on sale to make a more informed decision.

This would allow us to get more resources at a discounted rate, which may be why Logos doesn't have it yet. However, I think it would also help Logos do more sales by catching people who are always eager for a good deal. I will almost never buy at full price.
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