Add multiple Commentary Sets to a Collection

Natasha Les Miller
Natasha Les Miller Member Posts: 1
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
The agent did what she could but the program does not seem to be able to do what I want. I'm desiring to make a collection of 7 or 8 favorite commentary sets that I can access through the parallel resources icon above any of those commentaries I open while studying any given passage and then be able to scroll through them to see what each commentary series says about that particular passage. I don't like having to open multiple tabs on my small screen to access the commentaries every time I want them. Currently when I try to add a commentary series to a collection from the rule line I can only get one commentary series at a time to show. I could drag a series from a library window except that it only allows me to drag one single commentary over at a time. I may be missing something that allows me to do what I want, but the tech support lady could not figure it out.
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  • Member Posts: 226 ✭✭✭
    This can be done with the {Series} search syntax, e.g., {Series "The First Series", "The Second Series", "Et cetera"}. For more information see or post on our forums for more help: