Christ and His Righteousness by Dr. E. J. Waggoner

Curtis Member Posts: 164 ✭✭✭
Christ and His Righteousness by Dr. E. J. Waggoner. this book is a break-through. It penetrates centuries of spiritual fog to rediscover the inherent power of pure New Testament justification by faith.With rare honesty and clarity, yet with love, the author puts his finger on the true reason for our many spiritual defeats—unbelief. Best of all, he demonstrates how to overcome that all-too-common sinful paralysis—by believing how good the Good News is. Here is spiritual sunshine.Printed in many editions in response to demands from eager searchers in Australia, Europe, Africa, the Far East, and North and South America, Waggoner’s delightful volume is on its way to attaining the status of a classic.Now published again with added precious messages from the author on the subject of Christ and His Righteousness, this volume will give the reader further insight into “the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
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