Accessibility issue - color of the table of contents sidebar

Dave Gifford
Dave Gifford Member Posts: 15 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
Hi Logos

I am using the Logos software for Windows. One thing I have been meaning to mention for a while is that I find the white color of the "selected" section of the table of contents sidebar to be nearly indistinguishable from the light gray color of the rest of the sidebar (I use the light theme). Unfortunately, the image I attached to my original email, which directed me here, does not show the lack of contrast that I see on my external monitor (I tried adjusting the settings on the monitor, to no avail). It is almost as bad on my laptop monitor.

I am writing to ask for just a little bit more contrast, maybe a slightly darker gray, for the unselected part of the sidebar, so the white selected section stands out more. It would not need to be much darker, maybe 5%.

Thank you in advance for your consideration! Blessings to you in Christ,
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