BUG in Notes sort giving bad export

Brad Saterfiel
Brad Saterfiel Member Posts: 6 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Suggestions
Hi, there seems to be a bug in sorting the notes that you've created in a notebook. On Mac [I haven't tried PC], I can't get the notes to sort back to the created by [date] sequentially descending. As in note 1 at top... to note n at the bottom [note 1...note 10]. This presents a big issue when sending the notes to a word doc or even using the software. If note 1 is from Luke 1 and note 10 is from Luke 10, then the notes are only able to be sorted from Luke 10 to Luke 1. The notes then are backwards when exported.

My guess is that the sort by date created looks only at the date and not the time also associated with the notes. For instance, if I have note 1 created on 2021-06-18 9:00:00 CST and then note 2 created on 2021-06-18 9:37:00 CST, the date considers only 2021-06-18 and not the time in the sort. Perhaps it is then only indexed on the key as well, such as the index in a SQL database.

For whatever reason, please fix the sort so that the list can be in descending or ascending order. If one or the other, the descending order, as in note 1...note 10 would be best, which isn't available now.

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