Highlights: Allow to keep Highlight markings when copying, printing or exporting

Alden & Louise Olmsted
Alden & Louise Olmsted Member Posts: 2 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
As I study various Bible passages and resource materials, and highlight/mark/enter notes etc., I’d like the ability to print out those passages, not only in plain text, but also with the markings I’ve added.
Similarly, I’d like the ability to export passages with my markings to a file so I can use such in documents I’m writing.

One more inquiry/request: is there a way for the user to add Highlight colors, designs, markings, multiple colors of boxes/underlines, multiple (text line) brackets, etc.?
BTW: despite these questions and requests, I love Logos electronic Bibles and other, related software.
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