Pre-Pub Updates

Bradley Milks
Bradley Milks Member Posts: 6 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
I wanted to write about a product (Reformed Systematic Theology Vol. 3) that I pre-ordered on 2/8/21. I then received an email on 11/4 stating the book would be released on 11/9. I was eagerly awaiting the release of the 3rd volume. I’ve check my logos library a few times on 11/9 and did not see the product uploaded. At this point, I decided to go to my “pre-pub” page. It was there that I learned that the order date had been pushed back to early December.

If I could make a small suggestion, would you consider emailing folks who pre-pub orders if the dates are pushed back? I understand that deadlines get pushed back or there is an issue that was unforeseen. Life gives us curveballs that we don’t see coming sometimes for a variety of reasons. I’ve been a Logos user for years and am overall very happy with the product. However, communication like this goes a long way. I’m not sure if there is even a way for communication for delayed items, but I know it would go a long way with your users if it is possible.
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