Automatically create backlinks

Koos de Lijster
Koos de Lijster Member Posts: 11 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
A link is a reference from A to B. A backlink is from B to A. Example: I write a note (A) attached to a verse in Exodus and in that note I refer to a verse (B) in Romans. Now if I am later reading that specific verse in Romans (B), I want to find there a backlink to my note (A) on that verse in Exodus.
I would like this feature to work for all user created content (notes, passage lists, ...) and highlights.
Because the number of backlinks on a text may grow considerably over time, this functionality needs some filters (and sorting options).
I think this feature would be a great way to 'remember' things and especially to be attended to potentially interesting relations.
1 votes

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