Update Two Horizons Commentary Series Metadata

BriM Member Posts: 287 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in Book Requests
For Two Horizons, the series metadata matches the publication data:
"The Two Horizons Old Testament Commentary", "The Two Horizons New Testament Commentary". Since the series data are different, series link considers them different commentary sets.

Whereas for New International Commentary, the series metadata is "New International Commentary on the Old and New Testament" for both OT and NT, even through the publication data distinguishes the two:
"The New International Commentary on the Old Testament", "The New International Commentary on the New Testament".

This means that series link doesn't work across OT and NT for Two Horizons, whilst it does for NIC.

Can the Two Horizons series metadata be updated to "The Two Horizons Old and New Testament Commentary" (similar to the way NIC was) so that series link will work, please?
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