Improve narrowing of results for Bible books

Mal Walker
Mal Walker Member Posts: 403 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
Many times when looking for resources or commentaries on a particular book I simply search for the book title/author. But sometimes I want to browse and see all the resources Logos has on a particular book, and then subject that search to various 'sort by' rankings.

The current method of narrowing search results to specific bible books is a long process, requiring 5-6 clicks, each of which reloads the entire page. For example, if I want to browse commentaries on the book of Romans, it requires 5 clicks to narrow the search down, 6 if I want research editions.

Plus, with all the accordion tabs on the left open by default, I need to scroll back down every time it reloads to find where I need to click and progress to the next level.

Adding it all up, its 20-30 seconds of clicking, scrolling, and reloading required before being able to browse the results.

I'd like to request that this process is simplified by promoting the bible books much higher to reduce scrolling (consider having the accordion tabs closed by default, or some way to toggle all of them open or closed). I would also be keen to see a redesign of the bible books selection that is more closer to how we select bible books in logos on our mobile devices.

Current MDiv student at Trinity Theological College - Perth, Western Australia

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