Search: a way to mark favorite search hits and save the hit list for later review

Rosie Perera
Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
So often I do a search and find hundreds of potentially relevant hits that I want to page through and check. I might not want to check ALL of them, but I want to know precisely how many are relevant to my search.

For example, just now I was searching for "The Christian Century" to find out how many instances of that phrase in my Library refer to the magazine by that title. I can tell at a glance whether a hit is or is not a reference to that magazine. If it's in italics or is preceded by "the publication" or "publications such as" or some such verbiage, or is a citation with issue/publication date information after it, then it meets my criterion. Others I can skip over.

But I have no way to count all these hits that are the good ones.

And if it were a search where I really did want to do an exhaustive check of every single hit that met my criteria, I might not be able to do it all in one sitting, but might want to save my place.

What I'd really like to be able to do is go through the entire hit list once, and mark each one that I want to count or follow up on with a star (*), and then save just those starred ones to a search hits list, which I can then open at a later time if I want to and go through it in more detail.
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