Smaller denomination for digital gift cards

Chong Shipei
Chong Shipei Member Posts: 30 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in Book Requests
Can you make the digital gift cards available in smaller amounts like US$5 or a custom amount?

Reason: I have only US$5 to be allowed to spend per month, and if I don't spend them, they will be taken away from me. I will like to buy more expensive items on logos, but that is not possible with only US$5 to spend each time.

Therefore, I will like to buy gift cards for myself and slowly accumulate the credits in logos until I can buy more expensive items.

The US$5 given to me each month for spending is a take or miss. If I don't spend it, it will not be accumulated next month to US$10. It will still be US$5 given to me next month.

Therefore, the only way for me to buy more expensive items on logos is if I purchased a $5 giftcard for myself and slowly accumulated my logos credit that way.

Thanks for your consideration.
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