Show the morphology of the reverse interlinear in more places when hovering the mouse

Anderson Abreu
Anderson Abreu Member Posts: 557 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
By using the "reverse interlinear pane" (bottom bar in the footer), Logos could display the morphology of the word by hovering over or clicking the mouse on the word regardless of which one it is (manuscript, transliterated manuscript, lemma, root, etc.).
In this way, it wouldn't be necessary to occupy a single line to display the morphology of the word. All you had to do was place the mouse over or click to find out the morphology. Furthermore, when the "reverse interlinear pane" is active, the version of the Bible above stops showing the morphology when you hover the mouse. I don't see any point in this behavior, as it would be enough to move the morphology window/menu to be shown above the "interlinear pane." We could save space by hiding the morphology.
Anyway, my suggestion is that morphology should be active regardless of whether you click on the Bible version, manuscript, lemma, root, and their transliterations. Any of these options should give you access to show the morphology.
Also, you could choose to hide the "surface" text from the "interlinear pane", because when I click on the word, Logos already marks it for me in the text of the Bible version. Then we could also clean up the appearance of the program and save space by hiding the surface text if we wanted to. The "interlinear inline" already has this option, and in this case I don't see the point of hiding the surface text.
Here's a modified image as a suggestion of how it works.


"... And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." (Ne 8.10)

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