Walking with Jesus through His Word: Discovering Christ in All the Scriptures by Dennis E. Johnson

Maxim Farocanag
Maxim Farocanag Member Posts: 393 ✭✭✭✭
Charles Spurgeon once said that just as every road in England leads to London, so every text in Scripture contains a path to Christ. But there’s still a chance of going the wrong way, blazing misleading trails where none previously existed. How can we be sure that we’re reading our road map correctly?

Dennis Johnson shows us that there are established routes we can trust. Guiding us along the network of trails in the Old and New Testaments, he points to the signs and markers that help us to identify roads to Christ. He surveys the Bible’s sweeping story that makes up the lay of the land and explores different landmarks—the central motifs in Scripture that give us our bearings as we seek out Jesus.

Our sermons, Bible studies, and personal devotions will be transformed as we navigate Scripture in light of its central purpose: to draw us in faith and love to our Prophet, Priest, and King.
Link: https://www.amazon.com/Walking-Jesus-through-His-Word-ebook/dp/B00XYZQH78/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2C8PKHVU34842&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.rxGHf_sJ_WoUQ_WWzHu0FibEedGE5-4cAkFnPJIKzEZVmzebxXZKKYIt2lpwBR17icAZJGPTOJkn1oIuGeDFbBaJGNkAHP68TpeKTeAIplPOppCZlYDmiagpcBIubOlQxiWcQ2q91uC-OdNWHH5CHRZ8PQJ02xaE0SuCQnCcK63eWunZf_YUggilhAHzDcNUfDrdp2IR2so_vaav7JKC23-Eiqe9bakE4shCI3XINhM.is_ZxkrHdERK580HZOlDautWtTBT2iSs2dghlUn1qfM&dib_tag=se&keywords=Walking+with+Jesus%2C+Johnson&qid=1728562040&sprefix=walking+with+jesus%2C+johnson%2Caps%2C573&sr=8-1
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  • Rick Mansfield (Logos)
    Rick Mansfield (Logos) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 334
    @Maxim Farocanag  we have this title under contract and are currently waiting on materials from the publisher.

    Senior Publisher Relations Specialist • Logos Bible Software • Rick.Mansfield@logos.com

  • This is now available on pre-pub https://www.logos.com/product/371139/walking-with-jesus-through-his-word-discovering-christ-in-all-the-scriptures?queryId=b49558778426f3ad923cdcc8200b9792