One "Show Countdown Clock" Setting

Tyler Rasmussen
Tyler Rasmussen Member Posts: 110 ✭✭✭
Right now, to have the countdown clock appear, you have to click it on every. single. individual. announcement. slide. Very tedious.

It would be nice if at "Pre-Service Loop" there was simply a checkmark to "Show Countdown Clock" that applied universally across all slides in that section, similar to how at "Service" you can set the time.

Of course, this would require a "hide countdown clock" setting on announcement slides, but that's OK! For congregations that use the countdown clock, hiding the clock would be the exception (such as with a video), so you'd only click it occasionally.

The request is design for ease of use, as right now verifying that every slide as a button we wanted checked universally is tedious.
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