Mistaken bibliography

Henry Sun
Henry Sun Member Posts: 1 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in Book Requests
I'm preaching out of 2 Samuel, and when I copy/paste from the WBC, it gives the wrong author information:

Bathsheba’s purification has created certain exegetical problems. Thus the NEB rendering, “though she was still being purified after her period” (cf. GKC § 141e) implies that David had disregarded also the ritual law (see Lev 15:24) since in the ancient Near East menstruation usually entailed cultic uncleanness. However, it seems more likely that this parenthetic note was intended to stress that it was a favorable time for conception, and, especially, that Uriah could not have been the father of the child that was eventually born (for more details, see Simon, Bib 48 [1967] 213).

David A. Hubbard et al., “Editorial Preface,” in 2 Samuel, vol. 11, Word Biblical Commentary (Dallas: Word, Incorporated, 1989), 153.

I suspect there is some kind of coding error here. The author of the commentary is A. A. Anderson, and the reference to the "Editorial Preface" occurs each time I copy and past from the commentary.
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