Biblical Referents Dataset should work both directions

Russell James
Russell James Member Posts: 15 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
When transitioning from WordSearch to Logos, I was excited about the Biblical Referents Dataset. "We’ve identified 380,000 mentions of 8,000 distinct entities. That information, collected in the Biblical Referents Database, ensures you find every reference to biblical people, places, or things." Yet I can find no way to use it in the other direction, say click on "his mother’s sister" in John 19:25 to find out who this is in the Biblical Referents Dataset and where else this person is mentioned in scripture, I can find no way to do this. The information is there, just no way to use it or find it. The Biblical Referents Dataset should be able to be used in both directions.
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  • Pastor Loren
    Pastor Loren Member Posts: 105 ✭✭
    @Russell James  - you can right-click on the word sister in most Bible versions and the context menu will display the name of that person. You can also use the information tool, and then left-click on the word sister. Or you can turn on Factbook Visual Filter, and then you'll only need to hover over the word sister to find out who it refers to: