Journal of Classical Theology: Issue 1 | (2022) 1–149

Maxim Farocanag
Maxim Farocanag Member Posts: 393 ✭✭✭✭
This is the Journal of Classical Theology. The Journal is published twice annually, November and May.
Journal of Classical Theology (JOCT) offers a platform to facilitate rigorous theological discussion pertaining to the retrieval of and advancements in classical theology.

The model of classical theology this journal seeks to retrieve understands that God is triune, a se, simple, immutable, impassible, eternal, and the sovereign Lord over his creation, which he created from himself.

The journal primarily contributes to the doctrine of God and doctrine of Christ. Book reviews on works from a broad theological spectrum that engage in or are critical of classical theology will be published as well.

Because a classical retrieval is needed in every facet of the church (i.e., the pastorate, the pews, and theological institutions), the intended audience for this journal is ecclesial scholars (pastor/scholar), academics, and seminarians.
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