Book description popups

Rick Wade
Rick Wade Member Posts: 7
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
I was told that this problem can't be changed by the user, so it was suggested I send feedback here.

It's annoying to have the information panels pop up when I hold my cursor on the tab of a book. For example, if I have a couple of books open as two tabs on one panel and my cursor stops over the tab of one of the books, almost immediately a popup appears with information about it. The popup is over the text of the book, so I have to move my cursor to read the text. I sometimes want to move quickly from one tab to the other; having to click on a tab and then move the cursor up to prevent or close the popup so I can see is annoying. It was suggested by someone in the forum that I turn off "Show the information tool tips," which I did, but that doesn't stop what I'm encountering.

I am attaching a screenshot to show which popups I'm talking about. Can you make it an option to turn these off?

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