Tswana Bible TSW08NO

Colin Raggett
Colin Raggett Member Posts: 2
edited February 11 in Book Requests

Dear sirs, We write to request that you incorporate the Tswana Bible TSW08NO in your list of Bibles available within Logos.
It is published by the Bible Society of South Africa and is currently only available through them as a 'Read Only' version.
You already have the
BEIBELE: Setswana Bible – 1970/1987 Version
but we need the TSW08NO version please The Bible in Setswana 1908/1992 translation. We know there would be a great demand for this version as we are missionaries here in Botswana and it is the version used throughout the country as well as a large area in South Africa. We don't understand why it has never been included in your library of Bibles available.
We look forward to hearing from you
Yours Colin Raggett

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