Notes - Search for Bible Reference in Anchors

Josiah Young
Josiah Young Member Posts: 150 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
If I have a note anchored in Daniel 6:1-7, I would like to be able to search for "Daniel 6:1-7" or "Daniel 6:5" in the Notes search bar and have the note appear in search results.

Currently it is only possible to do this kind of search in the main "Search: Other" feature.
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  • Pastor Loren
    Pastor Loren Member Posts: 105 ✭✭
    @Josiah Young  - You can search for this using the new Documents search tab that's coming in 10.1 in a few week's time.  In 10.0 the functionality is in the Other tab. Within the notes tool, there is also a filter sidebar. Using that filter, you can narrow down to notes on a single Bible book (though not a specific verse).
  • Josiah Young
    Josiah Young Member Posts: 150 ✭✭✭
    @Mark Barnes (Faithlife)  I’m excited to hear about the new Documents search tab! Thanks for following up here. I also wanted to clarify that I mentioned the Other tab in my original post above but was specifically suggesting that the functionality of the Notes search bar could be improved. Right now it seems like the search within Notes is pretty limited. And I was also hoping for something that would allow for searching on a specific verse, as opposed to scrolling through Bible books (which works but would be slower and harder to use once I accumulate a lot of notes, e.g. after preaching verse by verse through each chapter of a book). I'd prefer it if the verse search worked on both anchors and hyperlinks within notes so that all notes referencing a particular verse are collected. I appreciate the quick answer, though!