Selection Menu: # of GNT occurrences

Chris Lane
Chris Lane Member Posts: 140 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
When looking up info to a word on mobile (iOS), I often wish that the # of lemma occurrences in the GNT would be listed. I think that inserting the number in parenthesis next to the lemma (i.e. “(__x)”; this is how *cough* certain other softwares *cough* implement the feature) or a new “Occurrences (GNT): __” under the words morphological info would make sense.

On this topic, I’m surprised that this bit of information is so hard to get at on mobile and is also not readily accessible on mobile’s Bible Word Study feature.

I understand that decisions will have to be made (e.g. what base text? Whose analytics?, etc.) but think that these limitations will largely be understood by users and the benefits will outweigh any of these potential limitations.
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