Making Logos panes easier to navigate

Gregory Lawhorn
Gregory Lawhorn Member Posts: 982 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
I just stumbled across a new utility for Macs called Haze Over. It highlights the front window by dimming other windows. The amount of tint is set by the user. Here's a quick video that shows what it does:

My thinking is that Logos should use something similar to highlight which panes are active. Some users have a harder time always knowing where the mouse is at any given time. Why not have the active pane change colors according to user-determined settings?

I've mocked up how I envision it looking.

This should allow the user to (a) activate or deactivate at will, and (b) the tinting must be completely user-definable and not merely a handful of selections pre-determined by Logos. Using the computer's color setting panel would make the most sense.
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