Search Enhancement: Sort results into priority groupings

Adam Messer
Adam Messer Member Posts: 9 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
The feature would be a list of priority groupings and would appear as a Sort option for search results. Into each grouping could be placed resources using (1) any categorization that Logos has already made (e.g., commentaries, Scripture, print books, etc.), (2) any filter the user might wish to use (e.g., books with "augustine" in the title), as well as (3) any categorization of resources the user wants to create using customizable labels (i.e., search tags [plural]) that he/she attaches to any resource.

For example, I could attach a custom tag called "patristic" to 15 books. All resources with that tag would be grouped and could appear in the search results with a specific priority (i.e., search order). Moreover, I could add more tags to the same books. I could add a tag called "second century" to 10 of them and "third century" to the other 5.

Such that, a user would be able to sort search results like so: at the top will be all hits in Scripture (under title "Scripture"), next all hits in dictionaries and commentaries, next all resources with tags "patristic" and "second century", next all hits in logos digital books, next all hits in my Print Library, etc.

Ideally, users could create many "priority maps", although one only could be employed at a time. The Sort field could have an option called "Priority Map", which could expand and show all created mappings. The user would then pick one, and the search results would re-order.
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