Moving Quoted Text in Sermon Builder

Josiah Young
Josiah Young Member Posts: 150 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
Right now it is difficult to move quoted text.

If I copy-paste from another resource into my Sermon doc, the text is specially formatted with a link and text box (which is great). However, if I want to move that special text box somewhere else in my sermon, I can't drag and drop it. If I click it to select (highlight the blue outline), I also cannot use cut-paste to move it. Copy doesn't work either. Instead, I have to insert a blank line above and below it, and then drag my cursor to select those blank lines and the quoted text. At that point I can cut/copy-paste somewhere else.

It'd be nice if this was a little bit easier, like clicking it and then being able to cut-paste or else dragging and dropping as desired.
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