Alonzo T. Jones Collection

Dear Logos Team,

I am writing to propose the inclusion of the writings of Alonzo T. Jones in the Logos library. As an influential figure who wrote over a century ago, Jones' works have become significant historical documents that are now readily available in the public domain.
Why Include Alonzo T. Jones' Writings?

1. Enrichment of the Logos Library: Incorporating the writings of Alonzo T. Jones would add depth and diversity to your already extensive library. His profound insights and theological contributions would complement the existing collection.
2. Relevance to Religious Liberty: Jones' work extensively delved into the subject of religious liberty during a crucial period in US history. His perspectives on church-state relations, freedom of conscience, and religious rights continue to resonate today.
3. Appeal Beyond the SDA Community: While Jones was a prominent figure within the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church, his writings transcend denominational boundaries. Scholars, theologians, and history enthusiasts from various backgrounds would find value in his insights.
4. Accessibility and Preservation: By including Jones' writings in the Logos library, you would be ensuring that these important texts are preserved, easily accessible, and integrated with modern research tools.

Specific Works to Consider:
• "The Consecrated Way to Christian Perfection"
• "The Third Angel's Message"
• “The Rights of the People”

The inclusion of Alonzo T. Jones' writings in the Logos library would not only honor his legacy but also provide a valuable resource for researchers, scholars, and readers interested in religious history and theology. I kindly urge you to consider this proposal, and I am available to provide any additional information or assistance you may require.

Here is a worldcat page for searching his name:

Thank you for considering this request. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Dennis R. Hidalgo
1 votes

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