Expose "Use Icon Color" Highlight In Search

Robert Kelbe
Robert Kelbe Member Posts: 630 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
As part of my sermon prep, I like to do a search of my highlights and notes to see where I have highlighted or commented on text that is tagged to the bible milestone I am studying, or contains a reference to the Bible passage I'm studying.

For highlights, I have my own highlighting palette called "Markup". Therefore, I would do a book search for:

milestone:"John 1:1" INTERSECTS highlight:Markup/*


bible:"John 1:1" INTERSECTS highlight:Markup/*

My problem is that I can't do a similar search to find where note anchors are tied to a specific Bible milestone or contain a specific Bible reference, because the default highlight for notes, "Use icon color", is not considered to be a highlight.

As a workaround, I created my own highlight style for Notes so I can search

milestone:"John 1:1" INTERSECTS highlight:Markup/Note


bible:"John 1:1" INTERSECTS highlight:Markup/Note

However, the built in "Solid Color Background" is not nearly as nice looking as the "Use icon color" style.

Please expose the "Use icon color" highlight so we can do the following searches:

milestone:"John 1:1" INTERSECTS highlight:"Use icon color"


bible:"John 1:1" INTERSECTS highlight:"Use icon color"
1 votes

Submitted · Last Updated


  • Robert Kelbe
    Robert Kelbe Member Posts: 630 ✭✭✭
    In hindsight, I like being able to search for highlights in my own highlighting palette. Therefore, I would prefer the solution to be to add "use icon color" as an option when you are creating a new highlighting style, or add it to the built-in "Emphasis Markup" palette so we can use it in our own highlight styles and palettes. Thank you!