Keys For a Happy Marriage by Bill May

Curtis Member Posts: 164 ✭✭✭
As you've probably heard, nearly half of all marriages now end in divorce, leaving bitter spouses and confused children in their wake. Don't let this happen to you! Whether your marriage is going through tough times or is experiencing marital bliss, or even if you're not yet married but considering it, here's some free but proven advice to help your marriage last. It's straight from God, the One who created and ordained marriage! If you've tried everything else, why not give God a chance? Follow the keys in this guide, and you can secure your home.

Seventeen Rules for a Happy Marriage From God's Great Book with Scripture references.

Establish your own private home.
Continue your courtship.
Remember that God joined you together in marriage.
Guard your thoughts, don't let your senses trap you.
Never retire for the night angry with each other.
Keep Christ in the center of your home.
Pray together.
Agree that divorce is not the answer.
Keep the family circle closed tightly.
God describes love; make it your daily goal to measure up.
Remember that criticism and nagging destroy love.
Do not overdo in anything; be temperate.
Respect each other's personal rights and privacies.
Be clean, modest, orderly, and dutiful.
Determine to speak softly and kindly.
Be reasonable in money matters.
Talk things over and counsel together freely.
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