Remove "prayers" from Community: Activity

Pastor JD
Pastor JD Member Posts: 2 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
We utilize a separate subgroup for our church's prayer requests and would like the ability to remove "prayer" as an option under the Community:Activity selections. It is confusing, especially for our older users, to have that option appear so prevalent.

We have chosen to use a subgroup in order to increase the privacy restrictions in that group and allow our church's main page to be more visible publicly.

If there is a way to choose which options appear in the left side activity bar, I've not found it. I love the ability to edit and customize the right side activity difficult is it to give us more control of the left side bar?
1 votes

Submitted · Last Updated


  • Pastor JD
    Pastor JD Member Posts: 2 ✭✭
    After posting this, I realized that I posted it into the wrong group. I've moved the comments to the Faithlife app rather than the Logos app but do not see a way to delete this entry.