Sort Tags Alphabetically and Have Tag Scroll on Desktop

- Device: Desktop
- Operating System: Sequoia 15.1.1 (24B91)
- Feature: Tags in Notes
Additional details: First, when I am in a note and I am trying to figure out how I’ve previously phrased a tag, it doesn’t show all the options or ones I’ve used previously. It only shows me like 6 or so options. This is difficult for me because I have tags for many attributes of God such as God’s grace, God’s love, God’s mercy, etc. So sometimes I can’t come up with the exact phrase I am thinking of, and it would be nice to have a scroll menu or something so I can see what tags I’ve already used to know if I can just add that same note to a previous tag. For example, I have found that I mistakenly made tags called “God’s Goodness” and “Goodness of God” and I have also made tags called “I Love God” and “My Love for God” … you can see that these phrases mean the same exact thing. So, if there’s a way to have more than 6 options when I begin typing a tag, that would be very helpful. Tags about God are just one field where I run into this issue, but other subjects/themes give me the same issue. I have noticed on my iPhone tags are listed alphabetically AND I can search for a tag… this is exactly what I wish was on desktop! Is there an enable button I am missing? If not, where can I submit this suggestion?
Second, when I am searching for notes with a specific tag, I notice they are sorted by frequency. Is there a way I can change this so it sorts them alphabetically instead? I don’t keep up with how frequently one tag phrase is used, but I more often remember what phrasing I am looking for. Is this something I am missing also or is there somewhere I can suggest or request this?
Select 1-3 relevant tags below