Make the devotional cards on the dashboard open the Daily Devotional Layout

Kevin A
Kevin A Member Posts: 1,041 ✭✭

Currently, if you have no layout open, clicking on a devotional card just opens the resource by itself, rather than a layout that can be customised.

If you have a layout open, it will open the resource to the correct date, and any other linked resources with that index, but opening a layout first then clicking on the card seem to be an unnecessary step.

It would be nice to click on the card and for a customisable devotional layout to open with the contained resources moved to the correct date.

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  • Frank Hodges
    Frank Hodges Member Posts: 362 ✭✭✭


    Also, I know this isn't optimal, but one thing you can do to accomplish what you're wanting to do is create a custom layout with the devotional you have in mind (and other resources you want linked). Then add that specific layout to your homescreen. It doesn't look as good as the devotional card does, but it does allow you to accomplish opening up all the resources in one click.

  • Kevin A
    Kevin A Member Posts: 1,041 ✭✭

    Thanks Frank but if i recall correct, the layout will always be at the date that the it was created at, you would still have to click on a calendar devotional card after opening the layout to get the resource to change date. You can link all other devotionals on that layout though so they will all update, but it is still a two card click.

  • Frank Hodges
    Frank Hodges Member Posts: 362 ✭✭✭

    It's possible, I personally have my default Devotional layout to open several devotionals. I've never encountered it, but to be honest I don't think I've ever opened the layout from the Dashboard, I always open it from the layout menu. I've never enjoyed devotionals on Logos, for some reason it's just never replicated that feeling of having a physical devotional open. I really only use Logos for research.
    You may want to try to update your Default Devotional layout and see if that works. I guess you wouldn't know if it works until tomorrow though lol .

  • Kevin A
    Kevin A Member Posts: 1,041 ✭✭
    edited November 30

    I have just checked and mine does not update the date as I have customised it. However resetting the layout to default means that when choosing either the layout card or from the menu the date is correct; however the layout is now not how I want it, as for example it only loads the highest priority devotional, and as soon as you customise it you are again back to having choose a 2nd card to reset the date to today day.

    Yes I have never really used Logos for devotional primarily for this reason, it is just clunky. I have wondered if it is just a bug, as the lectionary cards open the lectionary layout, which is customisable, to the correct week, bible reading plans open the bible reading plan layout which is customisable to the correct reading, but for some reason the calendar devotional cards don't update the date of the daily devotional layout if that has been customised.