I am adding these posts to the previous tip list L/V 10 Tip of the Day ;
QUESTION: What is a Biblical entity relationship diagram?
ANSWER: It is a simple diagram including the Bible Knowledgebase entities given in the Factbook People, Places, and Things section converted into a visual image. Ideally it would be made in Canvas using the standard Logos/Verbum icons. A line with a named relationship, usually the relationship given by Logos/Verbum links the entity icons. This quickly drawn example was done in Inspiration 10 with icons available in that software,
This diagram includes all things related to Adam as shown in Factbook. The same type of diagram may also be drawn for a specific Bible passage or event. When diagramming an event told in multiple passages, you may wish to color-code entities and relationships as to the passage(s) they occur in.
Compare this to Factbook > Adam (first man) > People, Places, and Things data. You will notice that I added God as an actors, and changed the relationships of the third generation from Adam to their parents for ease of reading. On may use bidirectional relationships or multiple relationships between entities. I did not because I wanted a compact diagram for posting. You may use curved lines to avoid the crossing lines problem.
The purpose of such a diagram is to verify that you understand the role of all persons, places, and things in the text. You may extend it by multiple relationships to verify that all relationships/interactions between entities are accounted for.
QUESTION: Where does one find a person’s relationship to other people?
SOFTWARE: For familial relationships, a media search on the individual should bring up family trees (Biblical People Diagrams) for the individual, assuming they exist. For all relationships, see the person record of Factbook.
ANSWERS: from Biblical People Diagrams:
Note that family trees do not name the relationships; the user must calculate them out, e.g. Enoch and Enosh are first cousins.
From Faithlife, LLC. “Adam (first Man).” Logos Bible Study, Computer software. Logos Bible Study Factbook. Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, LLC, December 3, 2024. .
Factbook > Adam (first man) > People, Places, and Things > People
Here the family relationships are named although distance relationships are simply labeled relative e.g. Jesus on the Factbook page for Abraham. The second portion of this section shows the Biblical Event Navigator’s events order by the people in addition to Adam that are participants in the event.
System Factbook navigation:
Don’t forget the prior/next carets to the right of the Factbook navigation that allow you to easily return to the page you came from.
System behavior for relatives:
Hovering over the person’s label (official Logos/Verbum name) pops up a card identifying the individual.
Clicking on the person’s label (official Logos/Verbum name) takes you to that person’s Factbook page.
- Right clicking on the person’s label provides a limited Context menu.
System behavior for interactions:
Clicking on the expand/contract icon on the person exposes or hides the list of Biblical events.
Hovering over the person’s label (official Logos/Verbum name) pops up a card identifying the individual.
Clicking on the person’s label (official Logos/Verbum name) takes you to that person’s Factbook page.
Right clicking on the person’s label provides a limited Context menu.
Clicking on the expand/contract icon on theevent exposes or hides an excerpt of the Biblical text.
Hovering over a Biblical event pops up a card identifying the event.
Clicking on the Biblical event takes you to that person’s Factbook page.
Right clicking on the Biblical event provides a limited Context menu.
Clicking on the Biblical references opens the user’s preferred Bible to that reference.
QUESTION: What information is available on the Biblical event in the Biblical event navigator and the Atlas?
ANSWER: From Biblical event navigator e.g. Library > Interactive > Biblical event navigator > event title
Left sidebar:
Event hierarchy
Contents panel:
Event title (Biblical event)
List of participants in the event (Biblical people)
Setting of the event (Biblical place)
List of important things in the event (Biblical things)
List of applicable topics and themes.
Defining passages (where the event in narrated)
Mentioned in
From the Atlas e.g. Tools > Reference > Atlas > event title
Event title (Biblical event)
Brief definition of event
Setting of the event (Biblical place)
Longer definition of the event
List of participants (Biblical people)
Link to Factbook
Link to Media search
Event hierarchy
Select media results
Note that Logos has acknowledged a bug relating to the display of Biblical events in the deuterocanonical books.