I am adding these posts to the previous tip list L/V 10 Tip of the Day ;
QUESTION: Where does one find a person’s relationship to places?
SOFTWARE: The primary source of information is Factbook > person entry > People, Places, and Things > Places. It provides a place name and type with the place name linked to the place Factbook page. It also provides a relationship between the person and place. I know of no comprehensive list but examples include:
Arrived at
Born at
Bought land at
Brought to
Built altar at
Built at
Buried at
Came from
Camped at
Crossed over
Died at
Driven out of
Fled to
Fought battle at
Granted land
Imprisoned at
Lived at
Made covenant at
Made was against
Originated from
Returned to
Ruler of
Saw place of
Saw vision of
Sent men from
Sent person/people to
Sent spies to
Spoke at
Territory given to
Traded with
Traveled through
Traveled to
Traveled toward
Was at
Was ator
Was near
Was sent to
Worshipped at
There is no search on the relationships between people and places
QUESTION: What information on the person-place relationship is available in the Bible Event Navigator?
ANSWER: This is shown as setting in the discussion of person to person relationships in these tools.
QUESTION: What information does the Factbook page for the place carry?
ANSWER: Factbook > person entry > Dig Deeper > Related has a simple, alphabetical list of related data. One must search manually to select the person data. Items included in the related list include:
Biblical event
Biblical person
Biblical things
Cultural ontology
Preaching theme
Systematic theology
QUESTION: What labeled data includes a place-person relationship?
ANSWER: The labels are shown with an example search to illustrate the attributes included.
Altar: altar:(builder:person:"Noah (builder of ark)" AND event:event:"God makes a covenant with Noah" AND location:place:"Mountains of Ararat" AND material:thing:Rock AND purpose:topic:Sacrifice AND purpose:topic:Safety AND title:topic:"Stone Altar Built by Noah in the Mountains of Ararat")
Battle: battle:(belligerent:place:Admah AND belligerent:place:"Elam (nation)" AND belligerent:place:Ellasar AND belligerent:place:Goiim AND belligerent:place:Gomorrah AND belligerent:place:Shinar AND belligerent:place:Sodom AND belligerent:place:Zeboiim AND belligerent:place:Zoar AND leader:person:Amraphel AND leader:person:"Arioch (king)" AND leader:person:Bera AND leader:person:Birsha AND leader:person:Chedorlaomer AND leader:person:"King of Bela" AND leader:person:Shemeber AND leader:person:Shinab AND leader:person:Tidal AND location:place:"Valley of Siddim" AND result:"The four kings seized all goods from Sodom and Gomorrah and took captives, including Lot." AND title:topic:"The Battle of Siddim" AND type:topic:Battle AND victor:place:"Elam (nation)" AND victor:place:Ellasar AND victor:place:Goiim AND victor:place:Shinar)
Burial: burial:(burialSite:place:Machpelah AND causeofDeath:"old age" AND event:event:"Abraham buries Sarah" AND personBuried:person:Sarah AND plotOwner:person:Abraham AND region:place:"Mamre (campsite)" AND related:topic:Tomb AND title:topic:"Sarah Is Buried" AND tombKind:thing:Cave)
Covenant: covenant:(beneficiary:person:Eve AND condition:"Adam would not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil" AND consequence:Death AND giver:person:God AND place:place:"Eden (garden)" AND promise:"Adam is allowed to live and work in the Garden of Eden and to eat from any tree" AND receiver:person:"Adam (first man)" AND title:topic:"God Makes a Covenant With Adam")
Famine: famine:(affected:person:Abraham AND consequence:"Abraham went to Egypt" AND event:event:"Abram and Sarai go to Egypt" AND location:place:Canaan AND mention:bible:"Genesis 26:1" AND period:topic:"Patriarchal Age" AND title:topic:"Famine Causes Abraham to Go into Egypt")
Fast: covenant:(beneficiary:person:Israelites AND condition:"Israel's obedience in keeping the Book of the Covenant and fidelty to God" AND giver:person:God AND mediator:person:Moses AND place:place:"Mount Sinai" AND promise:"God and Israel will enjoy a unique relationship and Israel will inherit the land" AND receiver:person:"Israelites (the Exodus)" AND title:topic:"God Renews the Covenant With Israel at Mt. Sinai")
Judge: judge:(agent:person:"Faithful Judges" AND region:place:Israel)
Killing: killing:(event:event:"Pre-patriarchal Period" AND location:place:"Eden (garden)" AND location:place:Nod AND perpetrators:person:"Lamech (father of Jubal)" AND title:topic:"Lamech Kills a Young Man" AND type:Vengeance AND victims:person:"A Man")
Marriage: marriage:(context:"God created Eve from Adam’s rib." AND event:event:"God creates woman" AND husband:person:"Adam (first man)" AND location:place:"Eden (garden)" AND title:topic:"Adam Marries Eve" AND wife:person:Eve)
Meal: meal:(food:thing:Fruit AND guest:person:"Adam (first man)" AND guest:person:Eve AND host:person:"Serpent deceiving Eve" AND location:place:"Eden (garden)" AND occasion:Fall AND title:topic:"Adam and Eve Eat the Forbidden Fruit")
Oath: oath:(addressee:person:Abraham AND event:event:"God calls Abram" AND location:place:"Haran (city)" AND reason:topic:Covenants AND speaker:person:God AND title:topic:"Abram is called")
Prayer: prayer:(addressee:person:God AND content:Petition AND context:Solitary AND place:place:"Nahor (city)" AND speaker:person:"Servant of Abraham" AND speaker:person:"A Woman" AND title:topic:"Abraham’s Servant Prays for Success")
Priest: priest:(agent:person:"Joakim (high priest)" AND deity:person:God AND role:"High Priest")
Regent: regent:(agent:person:"Arphaxad (King of Media)" AND region:place:Media AND role:King)
Supernatural being: supernaturalBeing:(location:place:Israel AND name:person:God AND type:Deity)
Theophany: theophany:(agent:person:God AND appearance:Unknown AND beholder:person:"Adam (first man)" AND beholder:person:Eve AND manifestation:"Physical Appearance" AND time:Present)
Vow: vow:(addressee:person:God AND event:event:"God appears to Jacob in a dream" AND location:place:"Bethel (North of Jerusalem)" AND reason:topic:Safety AND reason:topic:Sustain AND reason:topic:"Travel In Biblical Times" AND speaker:person:"Jacob (son of Isaac)" AND title:topic:"Jacob Vows Allegiance to God")
Note the variety of roles taken by a person in these labels. This list may be incomplete.