Hebrew pronunciation spelling Hebrew lemma?

Mike Hogue
Mike Hogue Member Posts: 76 ✭✭

When I'm in any of my English OT Bibles and right-click a word, select lemma and hit pronounce, the Hebrew word is spelled rather than pronounced. I purchased the Hebrew Pronunciations back in 2014 - is this how it's intended to work? Am I missing a setting?


  • Jason Stone (Logos)
    Jason Stone (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 863
    edited December 2024

    Is this happening for all words, or just the tetragrammaton (יהוה)?

    Sr. Community Manager at Logos.

  • Mike Hogue
    Mike Hogue Member Posts: 76 ✭✭

    All words

  • Mike Hogue
    Mike Hogue Member Posts: 76 ✭✭

    After a little bit of further investigation, it's not all words. It looks like it's mostly verbs. e.g. The first word in Isaiah 35 is spelled out rather than pronounced.

  • Andrew Batishko
    Andrew Batishko Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 5,445

    In the panel menu for the Pronunciation tool, if you select the Information option and scroll to the bottom you will find this:

    Verb lexical forms are often indicated only by their consonants. In many cases, there is an appropriate vocalized form that matches the consonants given. But in cases where it is not possible to create a real Hebrew or Aramaic word by simply adding vowels to the lexical form, the names of each letter are read in turn. When this is done, the basic 23 letter names are used; no mention is made of 'final' forms, even though those are used in the writing of the lexical form. Likewise, all beḡaḏkep̄aṯ letters are read using their standard, plosive (with the dāḡēš [ּ]) names. E.g. גוף ["to shut"].

    Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer