I have an older version of Logos 27.3.76 on my PC that I can't delete. I also have the latest vers

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When you say you can't delete it what do you mean? I remove installations by using the Windows uninstall, then deleting the files. What are you doing?
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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I was helping my pastor with Logos a couple of weeks ago and had this same scenario. We downloaded CCleaner to get rid of the old installation and then reinstalled the updated version.
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When I try to delete it with windows uninstall I get an error message. "The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable"
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Yes that is exactly what we had. Did you download CCleaner? THat was the only thing that worked for us.
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I own CCleaner and it says that logos-x64.msi is invalid. I noticed that it was a Faithlife version that I owned before Logos took them over.
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I own CCleaner and it says that logos-x64.msi is invalid. I noticed that it was a Faithlife version that I owned before Logos took them over.
That may explain the issue. What version is it?
Do you know where Logos is installed? Is it on a local drive (a drive on your computer)?
You can open Regedit (Registry Editor) app via the Windows Search box and select Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Logos4 and you will find an entry for theInstallDirectory
. You will also find an entry forInstalledVersion
. What is that?Note that Logos is the main product of Faithlife.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Opened the registry:
Installed version is (which I know is the latest version)
Installed directory is C:\ Users\mrbil\AppData\Local\Logos
When I try to delete the old version, 27.3.26 (not .76), it says that Logos-64x.msi is not valid
Did a registry search for 27.3.26. These are the only 2 entries it found both under DisplayVersion Key.
P.S. I didn't know Logos was a product of Faithlife.
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If Logos 38 is working as the installed version, then you can remove the v.27 install and uninstall keys from the registry (check that similar keys exist for v.38).
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Thank you for your help. Will deleting those registry keys delete the program?
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No. They will only remove v.27 from a list of apps to Uninstall.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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I removed the keys but the program still shows up in my installed programs list but without the version name listed. I uninstalled the new version and tried to repair the old version but got the same error. I looked for a copy of the old v. 27 but it takes me to the download site of the new version. Again I appreciate your help.
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Did you delete the full key:
and not just its \InstallProperties?
===Windows 11 & Android 13