Atlas functionality on Mobile
Atlas functionality should be available on the iPad app, not only in the Web app. I use the Atlas feature constantly as I read the bible. I also use the mobile app on my iPad, as I typically am not in front of my desktop while reading. The problem is that Atlas is listed as a tool on the mobile app, but merely links to the…
Russian Synodal Version (RUSV)
I am a preacher in Panama city Florida. I am not a native Russian Speaker but i do speak Russian. i would enjoy to be able to read and to offer a Russian Bible to my Friends.
Feedback wanted: Accessibility and Screen Readers in v40 beta
The Logos desktop team has been working hard to make the application a better experience for keyboard navigability and screen reader compatibility, particularly in the new resource toolbar. We know there is still work left to do, so if you use assistive technologies, we need your real-world feedback on what areas are the…
Why I can no longer recommend Logos Bible Software.
Please select 1-3 relevant tags below once you're finished. It was about 1991 when I bought my first Logos Bible Software. I had the old CDWORD bible program, which ran from a CD-ROM, which I purchased from Dallas Theological Seminary because it had helpful Greek tools. Logos took over the CDWORD system and offered a…
Allow tabs to be on multiple rows
When many books are open at the same time, the title of the books in the tabs disappear (we can see only a small icon representing the book), which is very unhelpful. Allow tabs to be on multiple rows, so that we can see the full title (or at least some acronyms) of the books, when many books are opened.
Everyman's History of the English Church won't download
This title appeared recently in my library, but every time I start Logos it shows as downloading - "here's a preview". It shows up in searches as in the cloud. Is there a way to either stop it trying to download (I'll probably never read it) or get it to finally download?
Multi-language support for Sermon Writer - Danish needed!
I would love to use the Sermon Writer feature in Logos, but the lack of Danish support has prevented me from fully embracing it. As a pastor in Denmark, preparing sermons and lessons in my native language is essential for both accuracy and effective communication. I know several other Danish pastors who share my enthusiasm…
Italian Bible "Nuova Riveduta"
Hello, I am a believer from Italy, and I believe that adding the "Nuova Riveduta" Bible to Logos would be an important step for the Italian evangelical community. This version is the most commonly used in Italian evangelical churches, and many users would benefit from having it available in your software. I have contacts…
Allow LOGOS read / search / AI features for personal books stored on personal devices.
Allow full LOGOS functionality (including AI assisted features) across personal books stored even on personal devices. Allow such access even though the books are stored in other formats … *.pdf; *'pub: *; *.mobi
So I only use the online Logos... however recently when
Recently when I type in to my sermons a scripture reference it stopped adding the scripture. It still turns blue like a link but the scripture isn't inserted in the sermon. Is there a reason this has changed (have I clicked it off by accident? ) Please let me know how I can get this feature going again. I loved it. Thanks…
Read Aloud narrator voices (multilingual and natural voices) [WINDOWS]
The control panel to configure narrator voices has been removed from Windows 11. See: Narrator in Win11 for Read aloud issues... — Logos Community Vorlesefunktion auf Windows 11 — Logos Community Please make the narrator voice configurable directly in Logos, and also include the new "natural voices" in the selection. (So…
Walvoord Bibelkommentar/ Bible Knowledge Commentary
Gäbe es da eine Möglichkeit für die deutsche Ausgabe? Hänssler. Ist schon einige Jahre in Druckform vergriffen.
Die V.40 beta hat eine tolle KI Suche
Die Suche in Logos funktioniert endlich so, wie ich Laie es bisher nur aus ChatGPT kannte. Man kann normalen Text reinschreiben und Logos erkennt perfekt was ich will. Bei 'Büchern', 'Bibel' und 'Überall'. Super!
Kostengünstiger Bezahlen mit Lastschrift
Ich schätze es sehr , dass der deutsche Markt zunehmend ernst genommen wird. Die sieht man insbesondere an den zahlreichen deutschen Ressourcen. Ein weiterer wichtiger Schritt in diese Richtung wäre es, wenn man als Kunde die Rechnung auch per Lastschrift bezahlen könnte. Das würde die lästigen Auslandsgebühren entfallen…
¿Panel Internlineal inverso vuelve a tener problemas?
¿Panel Internlineal inverso vuelve a tener problemas? En mi versión de Logos 10 he vuelto a encontrar problemas con el panel interlineal inverso, ya que cada vez que abro Logos este cuadro aparece, desde meses del año pasado esto sucedió y hasta hoy no se ha arreglado. Hace unos dos años este mismo probelma sucedió, y…
Proclaim - Better Options for a 'Print Out'
We are navigating how we can make our service more accessible - particularly for those with visual impairments. The options to print/export a service are limited in functionality. The print out, as I see it, only has small images of the slides. PowerPoint has a good 'hand out' option. If a presentation could be downloaded…
Live Closed Captioning
Would like a way to add live AI generated closed captioning to our live in-house service via Proclaim as a lower 3rd (or similar) or be sent as a separate output to a separate monitor/TV for live in house worship service. Audio would be coming into proclaim computer using a mic feed from the sound board. Functional desire…
Improve the sermon builder with a better quick access bar
It would be great if in the sermon creator, when selecting a text, in the quick access bar that appears, you could add a couple more options, such as frequently used colors or applying an already saved style, it would save time and it would be more practical since the quick access bar is next to the cursor.
Aumentar tamanho da fonte - recurso insights aplicativo móvel (celular)
Sugiro que o tamanho da fonte dos recursos abertos por meio do novo botão "insights" > "livros relacionados" e "passagens relacionadas" seja aumentado.
Voice commands: "Hey Logos"
A serious logos suggestion: integrated microphone or "hey logos" feature. In listening to books on the road I would LOVE to be able to say, "Hey logos, highlight that last sentence." There's already the capability of microphone text transcription with any standard phone, but having voice-run UI commands Alexa/Google/Siri…
Is there a list of all existing index types within the software?
If the list includes a description of how they work, the better.
My page has tags down the side not on top. I don't have a home page button. the first tag is the dashboard.
Reply to Jason
Please select 1-3 relevant tags below once you're finished. How can our community help you? Replace this text with your question or discussion starter. I am replying to Jason who posted, "I know that you really miss the old forums, but I'd love to hear what you mean by "the old forums were much more helpful." (e.g., more…
Where do I find the "Training videos for Logos Max subscription"?
Where do I find these training videos? There's no link to them on the subscription page. They aren't these https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019103211-Logos-Feature-Training-Videos as these are for Logos 10, not the subscription, and they are also available to anyone, there's nothing there specific to…
Merged: Introduce High Quality AI Voice Narration
This discussion has been merged.
Interlinear function in the new upgrade
I am not sure if this has been raised as a concern and/or issue…but I find the switch from the one button click to toggle the Interlinear function on and off to the current multi-step process to be a poor "upgrade" in the latest version of Logos 10. I do know that the Interlinear function is currently available under the…
Necessary Complexity
Hi Logos team! Thank y’all for your hard work and all that you do to make my work and study easier as a missionary, preacher, and seminary student! You recently sent us a survey asking about the complexity of logos. I wanted to add a comment—I believe that Logos is necessarily complex. It’s the difference between a car’s…
Read Aloud for Smart Synopsis and Summarization
Please add the ability to read the text in Smart Synopsis and in the summarizations in Search, Factbook, and books panels out loud in the app. Currently, I have to copy the text out of Logos into Word and have Word read it out loud. It would be nice to have a little speaker icon to click on a have the software read the…
I have an older version of Logos 27.3.76 on my PC that I can't delete. I also have the latest vers
Please select 1-3 relevant tags below once you're finished. How can our community help you? Replace this text with your question or discussion starter.
Dark mode
How can our community help you? Replace this with your question or discussion starter. How can I change it to dark mode the Forum, since it is too bright for me.
Moving this here from another forum location: When changing the font size on screen for a book, rather than clicking + and - buttons, it would be much quicker if the zoom number (e.g., 150%) would accept a typed number directly. Thanks. [And the new forum looks great.]
Can some one please link me all the keyboard shortcuts for windows 11 PC please and thank you.
Please select 1-3 relevant tags below once you're finished.
Please select 1-3 relevant tags below once you're finished. How can our community help you? Replace this text with your question or discussion starter. I wish the instructors didn't talksofast. It's hard for me to follow without hitting stop and replay. Any suggestions? Thank you. Merry Christmas!
After Search; Turn OFF yellow Highlight for clipping to MS Word
Smart Search works fantastic. However, I prefer to "paste to external" documents. Can you turn off, (Or Toggle) the yellow highlighting, in the found resource? This way, MS Word doesn't carry it over. Otherwise, I have to close the search, then I lose all the other Search hits, too. I think this is a good suggestion for a…
Amount Remaining in Preaching-Mode
In Preaching Mode, a simple visualization indicating how much of the sermon text remains in the sermon could be very helpful. This morning, I unexpectedly ran out of material before I anticipated. When I reached the last paragraph of my message, I was taken aback to realize that I had already reached the end and needed to…
Space for logos on computer
I am getting a notice when I log into logos on my mac that says stop indexing low space please check that you have 1GB of free disk space. My question, having logos on my computer are all my resouces taking up space on my hard drive? Is there a way to use logos on the web to resolve this? The only thing I notice about the…
Yearly reading
Please select 1-3 relevant tags below once you're finished. Is it possible to annually start reading any translation without the previous notes and markup bieng applied. I've tried the visual filter but when you add a new highlight it seems it turns all highlights back on. Sometimes I would buy a new bible just to start…
Merged: Allow others to borrow books from your library
This discussion has been merged.
Suggestion for Changing View Zoom
When changing the font size on screen for a book, rather than clicking + and - buttons, it would be much quicker if the zoom number (e.g., 150%) would accept a typed number directly. Thanks. [And the new forum looks great.] Select 1-3 relevant tags below.
order in notes
I want both ascending and descending order with respect to modification date on my notes because sometimes I want to see what I wrote in the past. of course I can scroll all the way down but it's a work to do. and I don't think it is that hard thing to make the sorting happen
Homlies/Sermons categorise for different Churches
It would be nice to be able to search just Catholic homilies. I am sure other churches would like to search their own type of sermons/homilies. Maybe an easy way to categorise them.
I really miss the old Forums we used to have.
With so much change resulting from Logos switching to a subscription model, why add more confusion by radically changing the forums? It does not seem like a wise move to me. It is quite the opposite. It makes me more wary of even considering a subscription option.
Can't find panel on strategy
Can someone please help me? I saw a panel on strategy I didn't have time to look at last week. I believe it is about church strategy. For the life of me I can't locate it. I believe it was on the dashboard of Logos but could have been on the Morris Proctor Logos training. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Select 1-3…
give the older users BACK what they purchased and quit trying to resell to them
give the older users BACK what they purchased and quit trying to resell to them what they already paid for. By the amount of issues you have on this message board. your selling headaches and confusion. Your help pages, you are selling again what older uses paid a fair price for initially. By your intentional creations…
Forum navigation
The old forums had categories such as "desktop, mobile, web app, etc." I cant seem to find these categries anymore… just "English forums" maybe I am confused? Also, are there posting limits to a thread? like how many posts are limited to it? I cant seem to reply to anything, unless maybe I just am not understanding how to?…
Custom Icons
Device: all Operating System: Mac and Windows Feature: Additional details: The ability to create "customized" icons would be excellent. For example if I was studying say "resurrection" I could create an icon with a letter "R" in it. Alternatively a set of 26 icons could be added to the standard set? Select 1-3 relevant…
Allow links to open in a new Tab
I haven't found the option to set links clicked in the Forums to open in a new tab - it would be nice to not have the tab I am browsing the Forums with be used to follow links.
New Feature: Bookmarks
Please add some sort of bookmark feature that syncs across devices. When reading something other than a Bible it can often be hard to find/keep your place if you change devices. — I prefer to read these books on my iPad, but will often pick them up on my phone when I find myself with some unexpected free time.
Hi, After having prepared a sermon, i wanted to highlight certain important sentences. seems like i dont have that option.
Hi, After having prepared a sermon, i wanted to highlight certain important sentences. seems like i dont have that option.