Bug: dragging selection handles

Robert Kelbe
Robert Kelbe Member Posts: 627 ✭✭✭


39.0.0 (105)

When dragging the right selection handle, especially to select a long selection, you often have to pan, and re-drag the selection handle.

There is one issue when the left selection handle is off the screen. When dragging the right selection handle backwards (region A), or forwards but not under the Insights menu (region B), every time I change the selection handle it scrolls all the way back to the left selection handle. I would expect the right selection handle which I just moved to stay in sight.

There is another issue when the right selection handle is dragged out of sight under the Insights menu (region C). The right selection handle stays out of sight. I would expect the right selection handle which I just moved to be moved into sight.

(Note also how the persistent Insights menu is very cumbersome for making long selections since it covers almost half of the small phone screen and you have no idea what you’re selecting underneath it!!)

