Adding a reprise song later and the checkboxes not sticking
I'm having a problem with adding a song we've already sung later, but just singing a verse or two. We repeat a verse/chorus of a song we've already sung as the kids are being dismissed. Proclaim is not allowing us to have the same song in the same service with different verse/chorus order. Any workarounds besides creating a whole new song? This used to not be a problem.
Best Answer
Hi Jesse. This shouldn't be a problem now either. Have you double checked that the song item was duplicated instead of creating a linked item? Also, make sure the arrangement isn't the same for both song items, as this would also result in having the same song order for both.
Hi Jesse. This shouldn't be a problem now either. Have you double checked that the song item was duplicated instead of creating a linked item? Also, make sure the arrangement isn't the same for both song items, as this would also result in having the same song order for both.