Footnotes not working

In the book Luther | Logos Bible Software the footnotes are not working. When I hover over one, it will give the reference, when I click it the footnote box will appear with two arrows on the right side, but those will not scroll up or down to show the reference point which normally one would click and then be taken to that resource.
The only way I can see that quote in context is to copy part of it and then search either my library or my Luther collection.
Please fix 😀
As this is an ebook, isn't this expected behavior? As far as I'm aware, ebooks mainly having linking support for Scripture references. Or maybe I'm confusing things.
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I've had this "issue" before with ebooks. I posted the same type of 'issue' and it was later resolved. I guess I didn't make my post clear enough.
It seems that footnotes to Luther's Works (LW) are not displayed when and only when you click the fn number. For example in chapter 1 "Laying the Groundwork" the second (2nd) fn appears. If I 'hover' over the foot number 2 this appears, LW 48:42. This of course is a reference to Luther's Works, volume 48 page 42.
If I click on the fn (2) this will appear in a fn box, LW and two (2) arrows on the right side of the box. One signifying up and the other down. The footnote box is not big enough to show the reference all at one time. HOWEVER, when the box is open (or whatever you call that box) neither arrow works - it doesn't scroll.