I AM: A Oneness Pentecostal Theology (David S. Norris; Word Aflame Press)

Jordan Nash
Jordan Nash Member Posts: 23 ✭✭

Please work with Word Aflame Press / Pentecostal Publishing House to make this book available through Logos. :-)

Publication data from the front of the book:


A Oneness Pentecostal Theology

by David S. Norris. PhD

© 2009 David S. Norris

Hazelwood, MO 63042-2299

Printing History: 2009

Publisher: WAP Academic,

a division of Word Aflame Press

8855 Dunn Rd., Hazelwood, MO 63042

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Norris, Davis S., 1954-

I am : a oneness Pentecostal theology / by David S. Norris.

ISBN 978-1-56722-730-7

  1. Oneness doctrine (Pentecostalism) 2. Trinity —History of doctrines—20th century. 3. Oneness Pentecostal churches—Doctrines. I. Title.
2 votes

In Progress · Last Updated


  • Jordan Nash
    Jordan Nash Member Posts: 23 ✭✭

    PPH offers it as an E-Book, so it should be relatively simple to update it for Logos.


    I Am: A Oneness Pentecostal Theology (eBook)

    By David Norris
    Word Aflame Press


    In I AM, the author engages hundreds of academic works to construct a particular kind of argument. Rejecting a triumphalistic reading of church history, he argues that the first century church had a very specific christological confession, one very different from what the church later came to believe. Combining theological, biblical, and historical method, Norris works to demonstrate that this christological understanding is biblical, historical, and logical.


    SKU: 23632
    ISBN: 9781567228229

  • Rick Mansfield (Logos)
    Rick Mansfield (Logos) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 352

    @Jordan Nash we will request a license for this title from the rights holder.

    Senior Publisher Relations Specialist • Logos Bible Software • Rick.Mansfield@logos.com

  • Jordan Nash
    Jordan Nash Member Posts: 23 ✭✭

    Thank you!