Septuagint with New Testament Word Study

Jeremy Foore
Jeremy Foore Member Posts: 1
edited January 4 in English Feedback

I have found it useful to use the Septuagint and to do word studies on the Mobile app and it brings up the New Testament uses of the same word. In the desktop app when you open a word study from the LES it doesn't search the New Testament the same way it does in the mobile app although you can click on the Greek word and then it opens a separate Bible word study that just searches the LEB. It would also be useful to be able to open a word study in the Greek New Testament and be able to Word Study across the LES from the Greek New Testament. I think this would provide valuable insight that you can find in separate books like the "New Testaments use of the Old Testament" but in a searchable fashion and provide insights to what the New Testament Authors were referencing since that was the version of the Bible they used. Basically what you have with the Hebrew and the Greek in the LEB but Greek vs Greek with the LES and the NT LEB. I think this would be extremely useful. Thanks!

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