If a new font is selected for personal notes, will it auto change all previous notes?

Rick Herzog
Rick Herzog Member Posts: 5 ✭✭


  • Aaron Hamilton
    Aaron Hamilton Member, MVP Posts: 1,469

    If you select a new Default Notes Font from Program Settings, it will change the font in all your notes to the new font, as long as you originally typed those notes using the default font. Any notes written with a non-default font will remain as they are. You can change the notes font back to how it was if desired by reverting to the previous default font in Program Settings.

  • Rick Herzog
    Rick Herzog Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Thanks, I was hoping I guess that anytime I changed font and size that it would change all notes across the board.

    One more question is besides the notes being stored on the cloud, can you also save them or download to a personal drive?

  • Aaron Hamilton
    Aaron Hamilton Member, MVP Posts: 1,469

    The notes are changed across the board as long as they were written using the font that was the default font at the time. Yes, you can save them to a personal drive using the print/export option in the upper-right corner menu.