On pre-pub: Let Truth Prevail: An Introduction to European Christian Renewal Movements (Abilene)

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,906

I was going to request this book only to find I had missed it going on pre-pub. You may have missed it too.


This is from a Restoration Movement Press (Abilene) and is advertised with this blurb:


Through the centuries, marginalized Christian renewal movements have challenged the status quo of the religious establishment, often at great cost. These nonmainstream religious movements generally receive little attention in standard introductions, but Let Truth Prevail tells their story, surveying the history, beliefs, and practices of various medieval and post-Reformation European renewal movements:

17th-century German Pietists

18th-century Scottish restoration movements



Magisterial Protestants and Catholics


The Moravian Brethren

The Schwarzenau Brethren Swiss Brethren


The Unity of the Brethren


Allen Diles classifies these groups as restoration movements, calling attention to their enduring legacies. Each reacted against perceived corruptions in the church and sought to renew faithfulness to God’s truth and his intended ideals as they applied Scripture to their historical context.

Though Let Truth Prevail demonstrates the strengths of these renewal movements, the book also considers their limitations. Current readers can challenge their own self-understanding of history, God, faith, Scripture, and the practice of the Christian way by reflecting on these marginalized believers.

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

