Copy and Pasting from Commentary into Sermon Document
Samuel Rogers
Member Posts: 1 ✭
Hello all,
I cannot figure this out. I used to be able to paste from the BKC into my sermon document as plain text, with footnote information following it.
Now it will only paste as a hyperlinked blockquote.
This change happened after the update. Any suggestions? I need to have control over the formatting.
@Samuel Rogers - Welcome to the Logos Community!
I was able to replicate this issue not only with the BKC, but also with other Commentaries as well. I rarely use Sermon Builder, so let's call in some of the experts - @Graham Criddle @Bradley Grainger (Logos) any insight on how to change this?
Logos 10 - OpenSuse Tumbleweed, Windows 11, Android 16 & Android 14